Twenty Three & Ivy

Self Care 101

Posted By: Twenty Three & Ivy

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Life is messy.

It’s easy to get caught up in our daily routines of work, taking care of a family, and juggling all that life throws at us.

Self care can easily be the last thing on your mind most days.

That’s why we’re going to talk about why self care is so important and how it can improve all aspects of your life.

It’s kind of like that announcement on planes telling you to put your mask on for air before helping someone else.

You can’t expect to be able to take care of or help others if you personally are already drained of all your energy. 

That’s why the focus needs to always begin with you.

What Is Self Care

Self care is the practice of prioritizing yourself and making sure you’re taking care of your mind, body, and soul.

The key to a rewarding life is balance.

If you’re only happy in certain sections of your life, you will always be drawn down by the negative sections in the back of your mind.

The goal is not to create a picture-perfect life. The goal is to analyze your current lifestyle and find ways to make them more fulfilling for you.

8 Main Types Of Self Care

We can break down self care into 8 different types. 

Each one can be worked on individually but the benefits will flow into all the other types as well.

Self care has no timeframe or limit, it’s about just putting forth the mindset to create a more positive experience for yourself daily.

Our 8 main types of self care are:

  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Environmental
  • Spiritual
  • Intellectual
  • Social
  • Professional
  • Financial

Let’s dive into each type and focus on what steps we can take to start creating a better life balance.

1. Emotional

Emotional self care is first on our list because I believe if you have a positive and healthy mindset, everything else will follow.

Focus On Your Mindset

To start this, check-in with yourself.

  • are you happy?
  • are you anxious?
  • are you stressed?

Allow yourself time to feel every emotion that you might be too busy to focus on during the day. Appreciate everything you’re feeling, both good and bad. The good will help lead you to your passions, and the bad will allow you to learn what things to avoid. You can only change your mindset when you realize your pattern of thinking.

Commit To Yourself

Make the commitment to take care of your mental health.  You are the only one who knows how you are feeling. Don’t invalidate your emotions. Find out what triggers your emotions and find ways to cope.

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is contagious. Once you start viewing things around you in a positive light, the better your day will seem. Focus on things you are grateful for. It can be as simple as being able to breathe in fresh air, to having the chance to pursue a new opportunity. Whatever you’re thankful for, focus on that. 


Rid yourself of anything that derails your positive thinking. Maybe swap scrolling on social media for reading a good book you enjoy. Maybe take a break from the always depressing news and instead go for a walk.

Law Of Attraction

Practice the idea that positive thoughts bring positive results into your life, while negative thoughts will only bring negative outcomes. When you realize you’re having negative thoughts, change things up!  Use the different tactics we’re going to discuss in this post to recenter yourself. You’ll thank yourself later.

2. Physical

The next major type of self care is the physical aspects you can control in your day.

Now that you’re in the right headspace, let’s turn those positive thoughts into positive actions.


Even if you mentally hate exercise, your body does not. Exercising improves your mood and helps to boost energy naturally. Setting aside a small time window in your day to get some physical movement can make a great impact. Find a workout plan that suits you. That can be a workout video, yoga class, weightlifting, or as simple as just going for a walk outside. As long as you’re moving, it counts.

I personally found my turning point when I decided to do a half-hour workout video as soon as I wake up. I know I personally never want to workout. So by completing that first thing in the morning, I’m still half asleep and by the time it’s done I can check it off my list. Then not only do I start my day by feeling like I’m already accomplishing something, but guess what, that workout has energized me for the day!

I currently use Beachbody On Demand to find a variety of workout programs so I can do a quick 10-30 min workout and then get on with my day. I get bored easily so having a variety of programs to use is wonderful to me. 


There’s a reason for the saying if you look good you feel good.

By taking the time to put on clothes that make you feel good you’re instantly more confident. Even if you’re not leaving the house that day, shower, do your makeup, and get dressed to impress no one other than yourself.

You can do this in a comfy way as well! Put on your favorite cozy pajamas, apply some moisturizer and the tiniest bit of coverup to brighten up your face, put on some chapstick, and spritz yourself with a cozy scented body mist. Whatever your vibe is, spend a little time to pamper yourself.


Drink plenty of water throughout your day. Water helps your skin, managing your weight, and helps dramatically if you suffer from headaches.

Healthy Diet

A diet full of sugar or carbohydrates can actually amplify mood swings. By eating a healthier diet with fruits and veggies we can improve both our physical and mental selves. Eating the right foods will give you proper energy for the day as well promote healthy weight goals, slow down cell aging, clear skin, reduce the risk for health diseases, and much more.

Pamper Yourself

Run yourself a bath, take time to unwind and let go of the day’s stress. Brush your teeth, comb your hair, moisturize your skin and get ready for bed. Take time specifically for yourself before the day is over.


Never underestimate the effect of a good night’s sleep. I don’t know a worse feeling than trying to struggle through a stressful day when you know you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Getting proper sleep will help you cope with things you will encounter during your day. It gives your body and mind much needed time to reset. Plan a time you’ll go to sleep each night and make it part of your routine.

3. Environmental

We are products of our environment.

The places we spend our time directly affect our moods. So create a cozy stress-free environment for yourself.

Tidy Up

By cleaning up clutter around you it can help your mind feel decluttered as well. Start the day by making your bed, this will help things feel organized while also giving you a sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning. Maybe even buy some new things that bring you joy that you can place around your home to remind you every day of that happiness.

Create Separate Areas

To help keep you focus in the moment, create separate areas for each thing you do during the day. For example, only using your bedroom to sleep or maybe read, keeps your room a quiet peaceful space in your mind. This will help you fall asleep quicker at night. Decide to work out in another room, so when you go into that room your brain knows it’s time to get energized. This is extra important if you work from home. Keep work to one area, so when you’re done working you can leave any and all stress in that room. Don’t let it flow into the rest of your spaces in the home.

Play Music

The best way to transform a space is with music. Incorporate music into your daily routine and I’m sure you’ll find yourself a bit more energized and happy.  Instantly turn any activity into a little much-needed dance party.

Go Outside

Whether it’s stepping outside of your work office or a small break, or going for a walk, fresh air will help. Getting fresh air and some sunlight helps boost serotonin levels. Sometimes the best self care tactics are the most simple. Think of yourself as a plant, you need fresh air, sunlight, shelter, and water to thrive daily.

4. Spiritual

The next step to self care is to find a spiritual balance.

The term ‘Spiritual’ can be used to describe that inner peace within you. It doesn’t need to reflect on your religious beliefs.


Everything stems from our minds. As we mentioned above, positive thoughts bring positive results into your life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. So time a moment every day to think about what you’re grateful for.


Meditation can help you focus on being present in the moment. You learn to release any tension or anxiety you’ve been holding onto and learn how to cope with new obstacles.

I also personally use Beachbody On Demand for their mediation program. They have 10-minute guided meditations with a different instructor each day. I didn’t know how much I needed meditation before trying this out.

Morning/Evening Routines

I put this under our Spiritual category because I think the self care process of taking time to create a healthy routine for yourself can be in itself a form of mediation.  Set aside time for yourself in the morning and nighttime to pamper yourself. Put on a face mask, have a cup of tea, and maybe add mediation into this routine. Whatever makes you feel centered and happy, create a routine and follow it daily.

5. Intellectual

It’s easy to fall into a daily routine of working and then coming home to just binge some tv. 

But our brains yearn for more information!


Taking up a new hobby can help you feel fulfilled and excited. Learning something new allows you to focus on yourself and watch your personal progress as you grow.


Reading a good book can help take you out of your current headspace and allows your brain time to imagine. Try reading even a chapter of a book before bed, it’ll help unwind your mind and allow you to fall asleep quicker.


Listening to podcasts is an easy way to expand your knowledge. You can listen to podcasts while working or during your commute. If you really love to snuggle up and watch tv, try throwing on a documentary. Learn something new and maybe you’ll discover a new path that makes you happy.

Learn A Language

There are many benefits associated with learning a second language. Improved memory, verbal skills, creative thinking, concentration, the list goes on and on. I’ve been using Pimsleur’s language system for months now and highly recommend them. I do a 30 min lesson while I shower and get ready in the morning and it’s amazing how quickly your brain can learn.

Put Away Your Phone

This could go into any category on this page. If you’re just scrolling mindlessly on your phone, you’re not doing anything to better yourself. Take some of the time you normally spend on your phone to replace it with a self care tactic instead.

6. Social

No matter how introverted you may or may not be, humans are social creatures.

Visit Friends & Family

Plan a visit with your family or go out with a friend. The change of routine and scenery will help boost happiness. These days dealing with lockdowns, it’s especially important to make time to make those personal connections when you are able to.

Go Out

Go out to eat instead of ordering take out. Plan a night to go to a movie, concert, bowling etc. being out around other people can help you not feel alone.

7. Professional

For many of us, work can put a lot of stress on us. Keeping a good professional self care system in place can dramatically improve all aspects of your life because unfortunately a lot of hours we spend our weeks are spent working.

Create A Balance

It’s important to create a work/life balance. Don’t work so much that you feel like you don’t have a life outside of work. Make sure to keep time to spend by yourself or with others outside of work. It’s easy to get caught up thinking your job is your whole life, which might not be a good thing for most people. 

Learn To Say No

Figure out ways to set boundaries for yourself at work and know it’s okay to say ‘no’. Don’t take on more work than you can handle. Sometimes you won’t be able to finish everything in one day, be okay saying no and going home. It’ll still be there tomorrow.

Don’t Carry Your Stress Home

At the end of your workday, try to do a little mental mediation and release any stress that’s been weighing you down all day. Try to not bring home negative work emotions back into your personal life.

8. Financial

The last self care type we’re going to talk about is financial. Once you feel the stress washing away from other aspects of your life, take a minute to figure out your current financial situation vs where you’d like to be and how to get there.

Organize Finances

Create a spreadsheet to show what income you currently bring home, vs what you’re spending every month. Are you left with any money left over or are you living outside of your means? Spending more than we can cover is a quick way to add stress back into our lives. 

Start A Savings Account

Once you figure out your finances, maybe swap out a daily habit you don’t need and put that money else where. For example, pack a lunch for work from home instead of ordering out. Put that saved money aside for another day. No matter how small you’re able to put aside, watching that money grow will feel great. Create an incentive for yourself. Plan something for your future like a vacation or a new home, this will give you a reason to save daily.

Self care will look different daily, listen to your mind, body, and soul and care for yourself accordingly.

Taking a few minutes each day for yourself can have a great positive impact on your lifestyle and personal health.

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