Twenty Three & Ivy

Creating A Successful Blog
Begins With Your Mindset

Posted By: Twenty Three & Ivy

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Deciding to create your own online blogging business takes courage.

If you don’t believe in yourself and believe that it’s possible for you to succeed, then you never will. That’s the truth.

The only limit to your success is the limit you put on yourself through your mindset.

That is why our mindset is so important. Once we master our minds, we can master anything else.

Analyze Your Current Mindset

Take a minute to look deep into yourself. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I happy?
  • Am I living my dream lifestyle?
  • If I could change my life with a flip of a switch, what would it look like?
  • What steps could I take to achieve that lifestyle?
  • Am I willing to take that leap of faith to get to where I want to be?

Think about where you are now, vs where you would like to be.

Every day we wake up to a fresh start. It’s up to us to make each day count.

Maybe you’ve just been reading blog posts about how creating a blog can bring you a full-time income.

Your heart is full of hope thinking maybe this can be your way to work from home and escape the 9-5 lifestyle.

You instantly start to picture how drastically your life could change if you had the freedom of working for yourself online.

But then your mind kicks in thinking… Woah there, what about that college degree you tried so hard for? What about the standard job titles and promotions you’re supposed to strive for? What will people think? It’s too much of a risk to go outside of the norm. Just keep doing the same routine you’re currently doing.

Wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. Repeat. Stop daydreaming.

You’re not the only one letting your mindset hold you back.

Want a change? Then you need to change your mindset.

Change Your Thinking

The human brain is precisely wired to avoid things that are unknown, such as change.

It’s easier to protect ourselves when we know what to expect around every corner. 

Our brains love repetition and generally like to avoid breaking out of our routines.

Has anyone ever told you it takes 21 days to create a new habit? Well in reality they say it can take around 66 days to keep working on a new goal before it becomes a habit that your body does naturally.

Each time you do something your brain adapts to it more and more until it can perform it on autopilot. 

The amazing thing is that we can do this with our mindset and thoughts as well.

If you wake up each morning and tell yourself today is going to be a good day, you’re more likely to see the good in things during your day.

Even if you have to fake it the first week or so, eventually that mindset will start to feel more natural and true.

Similarly, if you dedicate an hour each morning to put work into your blog, at first it might feel hopeless, but then you see the growth and start to believe in your potential.

The truth is only you can change your life.

With every new chapter in my life it becomes more and more clear that happiness does not depend on the amount of money you have, where you life, or what job you have.

Happiness comes from quieting your negative thoughts and projecting positive thoughts in their place.

Everything in life is relative. We can view the same situation in two different lights depending on our mindset. So choose to view your life and actions in a positive light.

Choose to believe in yourself and the potential dream life you could create for yourself.

Worrying or doubting yourself will just put your life on pause. 

The only way to create a life of happiness is to believe it is possible and create a game plan to achieve your dream.

Create A Plan

As we mentioned above, a new habit can take around 66 days to feel natural.

So to help the process of retraining your brain to cope more smoothly, create a plan for what steps you’ll take each day to achieve your goal.

You need to create a new balance for your brain, and this starts with creating a solid mindset.

Start by taking control of the things you are capable of changing. 

Set aside time each day for your goal. Take a minute before you start to reflect inward. Tell yourself…This is possible. Each of my efforts will amount to my new goal in the long run. If it brings me happiness it is not a waste of time.

Give yourself praise each time you put effort into your goal regardless of how small.

Realize that starting something new is hard, you can’t be an expert before you learn the basics.

Things take time.

If your goal is to create your own blogging business, create a realistic goal for how many hours you’re going to put in each day.

Make it part of your routine.

The biggest piece of advice I could give you is to think of all the work you’re putting into your blog as a fun opportunity to learn something new and create the freedom for your dream life. 

If you let your mind view your efforts as a chore, then of course you’re going to find excuses to avoid it and not put the time in.

Just like if someone told you, hey you have to run a mile tomorrow…you’re going to think they’re crazy, you don’t have time for that in your already busy schedule, and you’ll probably avoid it until you have no time left to accomplish that activity.

Now compare that to if you set aside time, and plan to run a mile as soon as you wake up tomorrow. You plan for it to be a mood booster and a way to jump-start your energy for the day. Then you might actually be looking forward to that time in the morning and would avoid it like the plague. 

That’s a simple example of how the way you mentally view an event or activity can drastically impact the results you obtain.

Law Of Attraction

All of this can be summed up as the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives the things that we are mentally focusing on.

Simply put,

positive thoughts = positive results

negative thoughts = negative results

If you’re in a negative frame of mind, you’re going to feel weighed down by that negativity and not try to better your situation. You’ll most likely stay within your comfort zone and not experience anything new.

Where as if you’re in a positive frame of mind, you’re going to imagine ways you can increase your happiness. You’ll set goals and find ways to accomplish them. These goals might bring you out into the world where you’ll meet new people or new opportunities that will help progress your goals along as well.

So if you want to create a successful blogging business… DO IT!

Visualize your end result, create a plan to reach your goal, and pursue it every day until it becomes your reality.

Keep Your Mindset On Track

Of course, all of this is easier said than done. Take things a day at a time.

Focus your time and energy on what you’re passionate about.

Cut out distractions or things that don’t better you. Replace them with positive habits and thoughts.

If you’re at work daydreaming of your blogging journey, then come home watch tv and realize you have no motivation to pursue your goal, then change things up! Replace watching tv with listening to an encouraging podcast or reading other people’s blogging journeys for inspiration. 

Feed your passion, don’t put it on the back burner.

Even once you get your mindset in a positive headspace, it can be hard to hear outside opinions that might not line up with your thoughts.

The goal is to not let others’ opinions change your mindset. Believe in your dream and don’t let anyone slow you down.

The more you follow your passion and branch out, the more likely you are to find other like-minded people following a similar path to you. (law of attraction!!)

Don't Give Up On Yourself

‘Who said it was supposed to be easy?’

This was the most blunt question I received from a stranger who once asked about one of my goals.

I had told them about my goal and how I was working slowly toward the end result but that it was difficult which is why I didn’t reach my goal yet.

Their direct question left me speechless in the best possible way.

It reminded me that yes, starting something new is hard… but it’s supposed to be!

That doesn’t mean that I’m failing, it means that I am on my way to reaching that goal.

Now every time I feel stuck chasing a dream I remember that question.

‘who said it was supposed to be easy?’

And I find renewed motivation to put even more effort into reaching that goal.

Take the time you need to figure out your passions.
Trust that you are able to accomplish anything if you put the time and effort in.
& just begin.

You only miss your chance to change your life if you don't try.

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