Twenty Three & Ivy


Choosing A Blog Niche

Posted By: Twenty Three & Ivy

-This post may contain affiliate links in which I would receive a small commission if you purchase through a link, at no cost to you-

What is a niche?

You’ve decided to start a blog, congrats!

Now just what exactly do you write about?…

You might have multiple ideas in your head currently, which is awesome! You have the ability to write about anything on your new blog, you’ll just need to narrow it down a bit.

You’ll want to pick a topic that you enjoy and would want to create your own blogging brand around. Ideally, you want one specific topic or subject for your blog.

This is called a ‘niche’.

Relevance is key

A good way to think of some niches that would apply to you is to think about what you personally go online and search for. Do you spend time on Pinterest scrolling through food recipes or fitness plans?

If so, you can build off of these topics and pick a sub-category for your blog. 

You’ll want to pick a niche that you’ll be able to write a lot (I mean a lot) about. Blogging is a long-term investment so you’ll want to make sure you can think of more than just 10 blog posts.

Make sure you’re going to enjoy and be passionate about all the work you’ll be putting into this. 

It's not about you

I know I just said you want to pick a topic that relates to you, but you need to make sure it will tailor to your readers as well.

Your target audience is going to be your blog’s sole life source. You need to provide a reason for readers to be on your blog.

Are you solving a problem for them? Teaching them new skills? Providing advice? You want to provide your readers with the information that they are currently searching for online. 

Is there a demand for your niche?

Are people currently searching for information about your topic? Is there a need that you will be able to fill?

Luckily the internet is a vast place with all types of people looking for information or advice.

Some might say that not all niches are profitable, but if you are passionate about any topic and put the work in, there is money to be made.

Some niches might be easier to sell ebooks vs others might be easier to make money through affiliate links. These are some things to think about when picking a niche.

If you plan to run a profitable blog then you’ll want to think of it as a business from the start.

Ask yourself – ‘What is the problem, and what can I create as the solution.’

Don't over think it!

Every step of creating a blog will seem overwhelming at the start.

That is totally normal and I promise things will get easier.

The main goal is to just start and you’ll learn as you go. You can always change your niche as well later down the road if you feel the need.

So start writing down some niche ideas and pick the one that you feel most passionate about. A key thing to remember is just because there are already tons of bloggers out there, doesn’t mean that it’s putting you at any disadvantage starting from scratch right now.

In fact if you’re writing about a niche that you’ve already seen multiple blogs on, then that should be seen as proof that it works, not competition.

Take that first step, pick a niche and start writing!

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What Is A Blog